essay writing ideas

Writing A 5-Paragraph Informative Essay From Scratch

Writing any type of essay and certainly an information essay from scratch is good in many ways. You are starting from rock-bottom and that means the choice of topic takes on an even greater significance. It's an informative essay meaning you need to supply information and what better type of writing activity than choosing a topic with which you are familiar or in which you have a burning passion. Not only will you have the facts, or at least many of them, at your fingertips, you'll also have enthusiasm and the writing of your essay will flow.

So having got the important choice of topic out of the way, you now need to look at structure. This is a five paragraph essay and that means the following. You create an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end. Each of those pieces or parts of the essay are covered in a single paragraph. That means you have three paragraphs in the middle and this is where you outline that the information you will provide. Create a plan.

The better the planning, the better the end result

On a single piece of paper you have five headings. There will be the introduction, then first fact graph, second fact paragraph, third fact paragraph and finally the conclusion. Underneath each of these five headings you list the points you will make. I would suggest that you list the main point in your three fact paragraphs first. This makes it easy for you to see the progress of your essay.

Remember that you only make one main point in each of your three fact paragraphs. You can make one or more minor points in each of these paragraphs and ideally they will support the main point. Now you need to work backwards and forwards.

You work backwards to your introduction where you will give the reader an idea of what it is you are going to be informative about. You work forwards to the conclusion and write a brief summary of the three main points you have made previously. Do remember that the conclusion contains no new information.

Now that your plan is set out in detail you're in a position to write your informative essay. Stick to your plan. Make your information interesting. And once you've finished go back and refine, edit and polish.

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