essay writing ideas

A Quick Guide To Writing A Descriptive Essay Outline

Most students think that a descriptive essay is the easiest type to write. All you have to do is describe something, right? How hard can that be? It can be far more challenging than you think.

The outline is the backbone

There is usually a generalized groan heard round the classroom when an instructor uses the words “outline” and “essay” in the same sentence. The fact of the matter is, however, good descriptive writing begins with a good descriptive outline. A descriptive essay in search of an “A” grade must include an engaging introduction, a body full of vivid imagery, and then an outstanding conclusion to pull it all together.

Add strength to the spine of your descriptive writings

Too many students sit down to write their descriptive essay outline and find they are completely drawing a brain block. To assist with this form of student writer’s block, we’ve put together a few quick tips to get you on your way to constructing a strong descriptive outline on which to build your paper.

  • Choose a subject that is easily described throughout the article. A subject such as a place, for example, can include details about what you can see there, smells that permeate the place, or sounds that can be heard there. You can describe buildings and people inhabiting the area.
  • Concentrate on the main details. Focus on the dominant characteristics of your subject. If you’re describing something intangible like an emotion, concentrate on the main ways that people express that particular emotion.
  • Break it down to the separate components. To get your outline organized, write down the details in each component of your subject, then write a brief description for each that you plan to describe.
  • Avoid generic descriptors. Don’t get carried away with the use of vague words, such as bad, good, beautiful, sad and happy. Use adjectives in your descriptions. Make use of a thesaurus if needed.
  • Conclude with a bang. Your conclusion needs to be descriptive but it also has to be relevant to your topic. Your essay should come to a logical conclusion. Write a brief conclusion in your outline to help keep you focused on your goal when you’re writing it.
  • One last trip to the thesaurus. Once you’ve decided your writing is done, go back through it once more with thesaurus in hand. Look at your descriptive adjectives, then check the thesaurus for any synonyms that can be utilized instead.

If you construct an organized and detailed outline of what your paper will cover, the actual writing will flow smoothly and read eloquently.

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