essay writing ideas

Things about Writing an Essay You Didn't Know

Writing an essay can seem like an overwhelming task. For most students the only factors they think about are how quickly can I get this assignment done and what grade will I make on it. Most of the time students will just put something together at the last minute. But what the student don’t know, is that essay writing can be very simple with But it needs the proper time and effort put into it.

Essays are:

  • Easy

    Essays are easy, because they are not long-drawn out research papers. If a student can take some of the pressure of the assignment off, then they can make it easier and enjoy it. They never have a word count like research papers. They do take time, and it’s important to not rush them through, but compared to a thesis or research paper, they are simple.  

  • Outlined
  • Essays are outlined.  While the essay seems like it will be simple enough to not need one, as the writer of one, you still want to keep your thoughts organized.  The essay shouldn’t bounce back and forth between thoughts.  You want to keep a coherent line of thought.  Taking the time to plan out what you'll say, means that the essay will be a better read, and will then earn a better grade.  

  • Researched
  • Essays are researched.  That’s right, even the short essay that is about one subject needs to have research completed.  Even if you are completing a simple topic, that you have plenty of knowledge about, you still have to attribute that knowledge to someone.   In every piece of writing, the knowledge used has to come from somewhere.

  • Creative
  • Essays are a chance in academic writing that as a writer you can stretch those muscles into the creativity.  No you won’t be writing a novel or poem, but you can be more creative than a straightforward research paper.  The essay is the chance to be more open with your approach.  Try new ideas on expressing your thoughts.  

  • Scholarly
  • While essays are a place to be more creative, they are still a  scholarly pieces of writing.  They have to have proper grammar, citations, and make an conclusion of some type.  They should be written with a purpose and goal in mind.  

    Knowing this about essays will allow students to have a better time writing them.  If students take an hands on approach to writing their essays know that they are an excellent way of stretching their writing muscles then they can care more about them, instead of just their grade.

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